Low-Mach schemes for two-phase models

  • Intervenant : Nicolas Grenier (LISN)
  • Date : le 09-02-2024 à partir de 14h00
  • Lieu : Salle de conférence CMAP (aile5, 2e étage)

Résumé de l'exposé

By considering two-phase flows of separated compressible fluids, in some regimes involving also heat transfer, liquid phase may exhibit small relative velocity (with respect to sound celerity) close to a gas which is subject to dilatation and/or higher speed (also with respect to its own speed of sound). Classical numerical schemes (such as Godunov) are known for presenting excessive numerical dissipation in the low-Mach regime on liquid side. In the context of both sharp modelling of interface (Level-Set approach) and diffuse interface modelling (two-fluid mixing model), two different approaches will be presented to tackle this issue.

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