Towards High Performance Computing for the Boltzmann Equation

  • Intervenant : Michael Abdelmalik (TU Eindhoven)
  • Date : le 03-05-2024 à partir de 14h00
  • Lieu : Salle de conférence du CMAP (aile 5, 2e étage)

Résumé de l'exposé

High-performance computing algorithms play a crucial role in solving complex physical problems, particularly in the realm of kinetic theory. The Boltzmann equation, governing the statistical behavior of particles out of equilibrium, presents a formidable challenge due to its high dimensionality and nonlinear nature. This talk explores the special structure of kinetic equations that allow us to decouple spatial and velocity dependencies during assembly and the solution of linear systems using quasi-Newton methods. We close with numerical examples for the benchmark test cases that support our theoretical findings.

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